Sunday, June 22, 2014

Leaping Into The New World

A pair of Great Crested Flycatchers were nesting in my backyard.  This image was one of the baby flycatchers leaving the nest.  Each day after I got home from work, I spent time photographing their progress.  It was hanging out at the cavity several time and finally left the nest and flew into the nearby oak tree.  I was lucky to have been able to capture the only frame of the fledging process.
1Dx | 200-400L @ 526mm | 1/250 | f/11 | ISO800 | Flashes | Manual

By: Troy Lim

Thursday, June 19, 2014

New Website

I have always wanted to learn more about WordPress but never took the time to learn and study the concept.  Go Daddy was offering the hosting of the WP site for $1/month so I signed up and forced myself to start learning more about it.  I must say, putting together a site like mine is really simple.  Therefore, I have decided to move away from SmugMug and started my own site. I will be adding new work to my galleries.  This will also get me to write a quick blog about each image. 

To celebrate to launch of the new site, here is one of my favorite screech owl shots from this year.  I spent majority of my time capturing images of Screech Owls from several nests.  It was totally worth it.
"I discovered a nesting pair of screech owls in an area a friend dubbed Fern Lake. The nest was in a grand oak and the limbs were covered with resurrection ferns which were really green from the wet winter we had been having. I set up a blind and monitored the nest over a period of weeks. I was fortunate enough to be there just as the baby owls started to emerge and land on the fern laden oak limbs. This little owl notice my movement and was peeking over the fern to see what was going on. 1Dx, 200-400L @ 300mm, 1/160, f/6.3, ISO3200, filled flash, manual, on tripod in the hide. Minor Exposure and WB adjustments. Noise Reduction, Cropping. Wild, Not Captive, Not Called, Not Baited"

By: Troy Lim

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Dusk at Cape May Beach

We had a short but rewarding trip to Cape May last weekend - in both photography and sightseeing. Cape May is a lovely little town located at the southern tip of New Jersey, with beautiful Gingerbread-type houses, magnificent lighthouses and charming beaches. 

This is my first trial on the long exposure seascape photography using the B+W 10-stop ND filter, which is also a practice toward my upcoming trip to Acadia National Park. This picture was exposed for about 200 seconds under the overcast sky before sunset. I really love the misty appearance of moving tides and clouds that render the pictures surreal and artistic look. 

Although it doesn't appear in any of my shots, we spotted a group of dolphins passing through. What's a lucky day!

By: Kah-Wai Lin