Monday, May 12, 2014

Interview with Master - C.S. Ling

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I've carved my career path as a Wildlife photographer (for the past 8 years) and have recently expanded into Pets Photography as well.

What inspires you to be a wildlife/nature photographer?
Nature. The more I see, learn and understand about our natural world, the more i fall in love with Mother Nature. It's just so amazing and I'm always struck in awe about how beautiful and fascinating all the different species of birds, butterflies, mammals and reptiles are... It also made me realize how we are all connected to each other and I hope that my photography can inspire others to help protect our natural heritage.

How would you describe your photographic style?
I like to get creative and show the wildlife's behavior in an interesting and engaging way. I've been doing quite a lot of photo sequence over the past few years as I feel that really captures the action and detail in a way that allows the viewer to take the time to really appreciate and connect with the subject matter. I also always focus on the interaction between the wildlife, because I want to capture the bond, emotions and story through photography.

Who is your favorite photographer? Why?
I would have to say the first photographer who inspired me to become a wildlife photographer, Joel Sartore. I still remember reading the March 2000 issue of National Geographic magazine in school hall when I was 16, and I was spell-bound by the diary he wrote, detailing the challenging journey he took to photograph the wildlife in Madidi, Bolivia. You can read it here His words and images was stuck at the back of my mind for years... After I graduated from Polytechnic, I got my first job and finally got my first camera. The rest as they say, is history :)

What would you like to achieve in the next 5 years?
Definitely travel to more exotic places for wildlife photography! I have a whole life list of places I want to explore! So many places, so little time. I hope to explore at least 5 new places in these 5 years.

What is your advice for the aspiring wildlife/nature photographers?
As a career, you need to be creative and develop your own style in photography and in business in order to stand out and be recognized for what you do. Wildlife photography as a career, first and foremost is a photography business and you need to be able to create/market/sell your work or services to the right people and earn a living. That's the reality. It took me 8 years so far to build this challenging career but at the end of the day, I can honestly say that I am very happy and fulfilled each day and having the time of my life doing what I love! All the hard work and challenges are worth it! So never give up! :D

About C.S. Ling

C.S. Ling is an international award-winning wildlife photographer. Her compelling images of vanishing landscape & endangered wildlife coupled with her dedication to educate the younger generation has earned her much recognition. At age 27, she won the "Great Women of Our Time 2011 Award (Arts & Media)" organised by Singapore Women's Weekly magazine and "Green Role Model" at the Green Carpet Awards 2011 organised by National Geographic Explorer & Nikon Singapore. Her works are published worldwide notably in National Geographic Explorer magazine & SilkWinds magazine.

She is an experienced photography instructor/speaker/workshop leader and has taught and inspired students & photo enthusiasts of all ages. In 2012, she emerged as the Grand Prize Winner of the Windland Smith Rice International Photography Awards 2012 and her winning work exhibited at the prestigious Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, USA. She is also a Nikon Professional Photographer and Sandisk Extreme team member.

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